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Category: Flapjacks - Beach Style

Two Generous Ciabatta Style Eggy Bread

Flapjacks - Beach Style

Cherry Cheesecake

Flapjack stack topped with imported Amareno cherry cheesecake gelato....

Choc Fondant Stack

A flapjack stack with bar one chocolate sauce & vanilla gelato drizzled with caramel....

Apple pie & Banana

Apple pie filling with banana, cinnamon & caramel syrup...

Bacon, Berries, Strawberries, melon & Bourbon Whiskey Syrup

Bacon, Berries, Strawberries, melon & Bourbon Whiskey Syrup...

Banana, berry & Maple

Banana, berry & Maple...

Maple syrup & Crème Fraiche or vanilla ice cream stack

Maple syrup & Crème Fraiche or vanilla ice cream stack...